Saturday, September 5, 2015

Quote of the Week #9

I have been under the weather this past week so I haven't done much...any...blogging this past week. Boy did I miss it! I am feeling better as is my household so I will be writing more! Plus it is the Kansas State Fair week so that means there is something exciting for my kids to do that they only get to do once a year! 

My quote this week comes from St. Francis. I love how he lives so simplistic. I think he can teach a lot of people something. Not just about the way we work but also about the way we live. 

Do we need that extra donut or that new high tech phone? 

Do we have to drive a brand new car that has all the gadgets inside of it? 

Do we have to have all brand name clothes?

I know I want those things but I don't need them. There was a time when my oldest were babies and we didn't have a lot of money. We were borrowing from my parents or my husbands mom to pay small bills because all of our money went to larger bills. Now because of those decisions we made years ago about only getting what we NEED we can now do what is possible. We are able to pay for dance lessons and soccer. We are able to go get new shoes before our others are full of holes. 

Even though I am able to get things we want I am still teaching my kids that we don't need to have the newest toys. We may want them but we do not need them. I explain to them that we only get what we need then when it comes to birthdays, Christmas, and some surprises we will get things we want. 

Sooner or later depending on how hard we work, we will be able to do what we thought was impossible. We will be able to buy our dream house and help others who have helped us so much. 

Linked with:
Cuddle Fairy


  1. Popping over from #candidcuddles =) Love this one. Nothing is impossible if you just try. Come share your crafts, DIY's, recipes & up-cycles at #2usestuesday (Mon PM to Fri PM) & your pinnable images at #Pinbellish (Fri AM to Tues AM) over at Sarah Celebrates if you don't already!

  2. I teach my kids the same thing. It's best to be grateful for what we have rather than wanting more all of the time. I haven't heard this quote before but it sums up your post perfectly :) Thanks so much for linking up with #candidcuddles x

    1. Thank you for hosting it! I had heard it a few times but had forgotten about it until I was looking for a quote on how I was feeling. Thought it was perfect!
